令和6年 長崎平和宣言 (日・英)


2024 Nagasaki Peace Declaration (Japanese/English)

令和6年 長崎平和宣言
長 崎 平 和 宣 言 
しばし手を休め 眼をとじ給え
あなた方が作った 原爆で
家 財産が一瞬にして無に帰し
今こそ ためらうことなく
そこに初めて 真の平和が生まれ

長崎市長  鈴木 史朗

2024 Nagasaki Peace Declaration
Nagasaki Peace Declaration 
To the makers of the atomic bombs!
Rest your hands for a moment and close your eyes.
August 9, 1945!
You who made the atomic bombs
Took tens of thousands of precious lives
Homes, property, and possessions were reduced to nothing in an instant.
Peaceful homes destroyed.
Those who were left behind
Had to rise from nothing
The hard road to a life of bloodshed
And the uncertainty of an atomic disease
And the infinite sorrow of losing one’s relatives
and the infinite grief of losing a loved one will always linger with me.
This is a poem written by Sumako Fukuda, a Nagasaki poet who was exposed to the atomic bombing at the age of 23, and while battling A-bomb disease, appealed to the tragedy of the atomic bombing.
The deep sorrow of losing her family and friends, the scars left on her body, the effects of radiation that continue to eat away at cells and cause various diseases even after many years, discrimination and hardships of life because of her status as an A-bomb survivor. The atomic bombings have caused Hibakusha suffering not only immediately after the bombings, but also for the rest of their lives.
Nevertheless, Hibakusha continue to tell their stories of their own experiences of living with such hardships, determined not to let anyone in the world experience the same thing again.
Seventy-nine years have passed since the atomic bombings. We, human beings, have always adhered to the humanitarian norm that nuclear weapons must never be used. However, the development and deployment of nuclear weapons that can actually be used on the battlefield is progressing, and the buildup of nuclear capabilities is accelerating.
With no end in sight to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and fears of an escalation of armed conflict in the Middle East, important norms that have been protected may be lost. We are facing such a critical situation.
At the end of his poem, Mr. Fukuda called out
O makers of the atomic bombs
Now is the time, without hesitation
Renounce all that is in your hands.
Only then will true peace be born
Only then will there be true peace, and human beings will be able to rise again as human beings.
To the leaders of the nuclear weapon states and the countries under the nuclear umbrella. You must face the reality that the existence of nuclear weapons poses an ever-growing threat to humanity and take a major step toward nuclear abolition. To this end, please visit the A-bombed cities and accept the pain and thoughts of the Hibakusha with your conscience as a human being. And no matter how difficult it may be, I urge you to seek a path to a peaceful solution through dialogue and diplomatic efforts, rather than opting for military expansion and intimidation.
As the only country to have experienced the atomic bombings, the Japanese government should demonstrate its sincere pursuit of a world without nuclear weapons. To this end, we call for Japan to sign and ratify the Nuclear Weapons Convention as soon as possible. We also call on the Japanese government to uphold the principle of peace in its Constitution and to exercise leadership in reducing tensions and disarmament in this increasingly tense region, such as through the Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone initiative.
Furthermore, we strongly request further enhancement of assistance for Hibakusha, whose average age is now over 85, and the earliest possible relief for A-bomb survivors who have not yet been recognized as Hibakusha.
People of the world, we are “global citizens” living in one big city called the earth.
Imagine. What would happen if conflicts like the one that is going on in the world today intensified and nuclear war broke out? It would be devastating not only to human lives, but also to the global environment, exposing humanity to a crisis of extinction.
This is why the abolition of nuclear weapons is an “absolute condition for the survival of the human race,” which is also the premise for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the international community is aiming for.
Here in Nagasaki, too, the longstanding movement toward a nuclear-weapon-free world is becoming even more active, especially among the younger generation. In May of this year, a peace-themed subcommittee of the international conference “One Young World,” known as the youth version of the Davos Forum, was held in Nagasaki for the first time.
The circle of solidarity and action in which the world’s young generation plays a leading role is expanding in various parts of the world. It is a beacon of hope for building a sustainable and peaceful future.
Each one of us may be small, but we are not powerless.
If we, global citizens, raise our voices and join forces, we can overcome the current difficulties. If we share our wisdom and connect with each other, transcending borders, religions, races, genders, generations, and other differences, we can realize the future we envision. I strongly believe that in Nagasaki.
We offer our heartfelt condolences to those who lost their lives in the atomic bombing.
In solidarity with global citizens who seek to be a force for peace, Nagasaki will spread throughout the world a “culture of peace” that respects others, fosters trust, and seeks solutions through discussion. We declare that we will continue to act tirelessly toward the abolition of nuclear weapons and the realization of lasting peace in the world, so that Nagasaki will be the last city to be bombed.

August 9, 2024
Shiro Suzuki Mayor of Nagasaki
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Posted by Toshi