【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】Yoon: ‘Opposition paralyzed South Korean national politics’ ユン氏:「野党が韓国の国政を麻痺させた」
【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】
Yoon: 'Opposition paralyzed South Korean national politics’
The political fate of South Korea’s leader remains unclear. President Yoon Suk-yeol briefly declared martial law last week, plunging the country into chaos. Local media are reporting that insurrection charges against him could be imminent.
★remain unclear:依然として不透明
★declarre martial law:戒厳令を発令する
★plung the country into chaos:国を混乱に陥れる
★insurrection charge:訴追