すき焼き Sukiyaki


すき焼き Sukiyaki

●Ingredients(4 serving)

Beef loin thinly sliced 600~800g
Beef suet
Cotton Tofu 1/2 cake
Ito Konnyaku(yam cake) noodles 150g
8 Shiitake mashrooms
2 Japanese leeks
2 bunches mitsuba(trefoil)


3Tbsp Sake
Water 100cc
Soy sauce 200cc
Mirin(Sweet Sake) 200cc
6 Tnbsp Sugar
4 eggs


1 Combine sauce ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

2 Cut Tofu into bite-sized pieces. Cut ItoKonnyaku noodles into
lengths that are easy to eat,blanch in boiling water briefly and
drain in a sieve. Trim stems from Shiitake mashroom, and cut caps
in half. Slice Japanese leeks diagonally. Cut Mitsuba into 1 inch
lengths. Arrange all these ingredients on a large plate.

3 Arrange beef on a separate plate.

4 Heat a sukiyaki skillet, grease it with beef suet, and saute beef.
When brown, pour sauce to cover beef almost completely, and gradually
all other ingredients. When food is cooked, take pieces from the skiller
and eat, dipping into beaten eggs.

