【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】Ishiba, Trump agree to strengthen ties in security, economy 石破氏、トランプ大統領と安全保障、経済面での連携強化で合意

【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】
Ishiba, Trump agree to strengthen ties in security, economy
Japanese Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru and US President Donald Trump have met for their first summit. The two leaders agreed to enhance deterrence and response capabilities to achieve a free and open Indo-Pacific region.
★ties in security, economy:安全保障と経済面の関係
★enhance deterrence and response capa bilities:抑止力と対処力を強化する
★moves by China:中国の動き
★remain steadfast in cooperating~:引き続気協力を維持していく