かに雑炊 Crab Risotto


かに雑炊 Crab Risotto


● Ingredients(4 servings)

Hot cooked rice 400g
Canned crab meat
1 pack Nameko mushrooms
4 eggs
1/2 bunch Mitsuba(trefoil)

●Rissot Dashi

Dashi(broth) 1000cc
2 Tbsp Mirin
2 tabsp salt
3 Tabsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp ginger juice

★When using cold cooked rice, rince the rice with water
in water to get rid of stickiness.


1. Discard white tendons from crabmeat and flake meat into pieces.

2. Parboil nameko mushrooms briefly.

3. Beat eggs. Cut mitsuba into 3cm lengths.

4. Place dashi and seasonings in a pot, bring to a boil.
Add rice, crabmeat and nameko mushrooms. When it boils
for the second time, turn heat down to medium and cook

5. Add mitsuba and ginger juice and pour in beaten eggs in a
circular motion. When egg is half done. cover and remove from heat.
