【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】Snow continues to hit areas along Sea of Japan 日本海沿岸地域では雪が降り続く

【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】
Snow continues to hit areas along Sea of Japan
Snowfall continues in areas along the Sea of Japan. Weather officials say the rapid accumulation appears to be slowing down, but are still warning of blizzards and travel disruptions in the area.
★snowfall continues in areas along~:雪が~に沿った地域に降り続ける
★Weather officials say:気象当局は・・・
★travel sisrupptions:交通の混乱
★Japan Meteorological Agency:日本気象協会
★condditions are intensifying:状況は悪化する
★2 meteres of snow has accumulated:2m積雪
★ a car plunged into a river:車が川に転落
★ a car skidded:車がスリップ
★Officials are calling on people to ~当局は人々へ~を呼びかけている