【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】DPFP emerges from Japan’s Lower House election as potential ‘kingmaker’ 日本の衆院選で民主党が「キングメーカー」候補として浮上

【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】
DPFP emerges from Japan’s Lower House election as potential 'kingmaker’
Sunday’s general election has significantly shaken up Japan’s Lower House. For the Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition, the result was a bitter one. While for the upstart Democratic Party for the People, its so-called “policy-centric approach" lead to them quadrupling their seats and vaulted it into the role of potential 'kingmaker’.
★emerge from~:出てくる
★DPFP: Democratic Party For the People 国民民主党
★shake up:ゆり起こす(動揺をもたらす)
★the Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition:自民党主導の連立政権
★upstart: 成りあがり、成金、新興勢力
★"policy-centric approach:政策中心のアプローチ
★quadrupling : 四倍