【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】South Korean President Yoon’s fate unclear as impeachment vote looms 弾劾投票が迫る中、韓国の尹大統領の運命は不透明

【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】
South Korean President Yoon’s fate unclear as impeachment vote looms
The fate of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol hangs in the balance, as lawmakers are poised to vote on an impeachment motion against him on Saturday night. The ruling People Power Party says it will unite against the motion, while the main opposition Democratic Party is pushing to remove Yoon from the presidency.
★hang in the balance:非常に危うい状況にある
★be poised to vote:投票する準備が出来ている
★on an impeachment motion against~:~に対する弾劾動議
★remove~ from the presidency:大統領をおろす
★The motion was submitted:動議は提出された
★accuse someone of ~ing~の~を非難する
★make arrangements for~:準備をする
★cannot be justfied:正当化できない
★be suspended from one’s duties:職務が一時停止される
★trigger scuffles among citizens:国民の間で小競り合いをしょうじさせる
★infiltrate the assembly:議会へ侵入する
★Many held chandles as they~:多くの人が~しながらろうそくを手に持った
★complicit in insurrection:
★national rebellion:暴動に加担する
★amounted to treason:反逆に値する