【毎日1分!英会話 from One Day at a time 2017 (2017)】That’s tough.

【毎日1分!英会話 Phrases from Movies】

【毎日1分!英会話 from One Day at a time 2017 (2017)That’s tough.

That’s tough.」は「おあいにくさま」「大変だね」という意味で使われますが、相手に同情の気持ちはない場合に使われる表現です。現実を受け入れるよう励ますニュアンスで言うときもあります。

spoken used when you do not have any sympathy with someone
‘I’m getting wet.’ ‘Tough! You should’ve brought your umbrella.’
She didn’t tell us she was coming, so if this screws up her plans that’s just tough

Tough luck」の意味も同じです。
said to show that you have no sympathy for someone’s problems or difficulties:
“They lost a lot of money on their investment." “Tough luck – they should have been more careful."


