「今世界を支配しているのは気狂い達である。何も抵抗せずに言いなりになる愚か者達がいる限り奴らの支配は続く。10%の民が目覚め行動を起こせば奴らの支配は終わる!」/タッカー カールソン ~ 今、日本で起きている事!世界で起きている事!

国際情勢 What’s going on in the world,憲法改定論,日本の政治・経済 What’s going on in Japan?

It is the crazies who rule the world today. As long as there are fools who do as they are told without resistance, they will continue to rule…If only 10% of the people would wake up and take action, their rule would end!"/Tucker Carlson – What’s happening in Japan right now! What is happening in the world!

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