【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】Japan government to release 210,000 tons of rice amid record-high prices 日本政府、記録的な高値で米21万トンを放出へ

【English News】

【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】

Japan government to release 210,000 tons of rice amid record-high prices


Japan’s agriculture ministry announced that it will release 210,000 tons of rice from government stockpiles amid a surge in prices of the staple food.


★amid record high price:記録的な高値

★government stockpiles:政府備蓄

★staple food:主食

★staple food:手続きを実施する

★facilitate rice distribution:米の流通を円滑にする

★hit record highs in the week through January 26:1月26日までの週に過去最高値を記録し

★were up 80 percent from the same period last year.昨年の同時期と比べて80%上昇した

★crop failures:不作


★households are having a hard time in a situation of soaring prices.:物価高騰の状況下で家計が苦しい状況にある

★tap reserves:準備金を取り崩す

★loosen once-cautious stance:かつての慎重な姿勢を緩和する






【English News】

Posted by Toshi