日本は4つのはっきりとした季節がある(has four clear-cut seasons)
春と夏の間の雨季と。(with a rainy season between spring and
summer) 日本の気候は(The Japanese climate)影響を受けている
(is influenced by)地理範囲によって(geographical extent),冬と
夏の季節風によって(winter and summer monsoons),海流と
荒い地形によって(ocean currents and rugged topography)
季節風は(The monsoons)もたらす(result in)より寒い冬とより
暑い夏を(colder winter and hotter summer)多い降雨量と
とともに(with much precipitation)そして高い湿度とともに。
(and high humidity)日本は(the country)襲われる(is visited)
台風に(by typhoons)夏の終わりの時期に(in late summer)そして
秋の初めに(and early autumn)そして大雪が降る(there are heavy
snowfalls)地域において(in the area)日本海沿岸の(along the
Japan Sea)冬に(during winter)
【Climate in Japan】
Japan has four clear-cut seasons with a rainy season between
spring and summer. The Japanese climate is influenced by
geographical extent, winter and summer monsoons, ocean
currents and rugged topography. The monsoons result in colder
winters and hotter summers with much precipitation and high
humidity. The country is viisted by typhoons in late summer and
early autumn, and there are heavy snowfalls in the area along
the Japan Sea during winter.
日本には4つのはっきりとした季節と春と夏の間の雨季がある。 日本の