【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】Impact of Trump tariff hike on Japan トランプ大統領の関税引き上げが日本に与える影響

【毎日1分!時事英語 from NHK World】
Impact of Trump tariff hike on Japan
Nations around the world have reacted sharply to US President Donald Trump imposing 25 percent tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum. That includes Japan, which has asked the US to exclude it.
★impose 25 percent tariffs on foreign steel:海外の鉄に25%の関税をかける
★proclamations on the new tariffs:新関税に関する布告
★Duty-free quotas:免税枠
★be granted:認められる
★without exceptions or exemptions:例外や免除なし
★fights back:反撃する