将軍は英語で通常(usually) generalissimo と訳されます。
(be translated )もともとは(originally)天皇によって
(by emperror),派遣軍(expeditionary army)の
最高司令官(the commander-in-chief)へ与えられた
(given to..)仮の称号でした。(a temporary title)
のちに(later)天皇によって((by the emperor) 国の
行政の長へ(to the adiministrative head of the
official title)変わっていった。(develop into..)
将軍による専制権力(the dictatorship of the shogun)
の下での支配(the rule under ..)は19世紀中頃まで
(until the mid-19th century)続いた。(last)
Shogun is usually translated as “generalissimo".
It was originally a temporary title given by the
emperor to the commnader-in-chief of an expeditionary
army. Later, it developped into the official title given
by the emperor to the administrative head of the
country. The rule under the dictatorship of the shogun
lasted until the mid-19th century.
諸軍は通常 generalissimo と訳されます。もともとは、派遣軍