Shogi 「将棋」を簡単英語で説明してみましょう
Shogi 将棋
将棋は(Shogi is)チェスに似た伝統的ゲームである(a traditional
chess-like game)二人で行われる(played between two people)
チェスと同様(As in chess)相手の駒をとることはできるが(pieces
may be captured)チェスと違い(but unlike in chess)捕った駒は
使っても良い/使われても良い(those pieces may be used)捕り手
によって(by the captor)将棋は終わる(The game ends)相手の王
が動けなくなると(with the checkmate of an opponents’s king)
Shogi is a traditional chess-like game played between two people.
As in chess, pieces may be captured, but unlike in chess those
pieces can be used by the captor. The game ends with the
checkmate of an opponent’s king.